American Friends of Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel

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Board of Directors

Michael Lesser, MD

Mindy Schneider
Secretary and Treasurer

Philip Lanzkowsky, MD

Stephen Siegel

Jonathan Torop

Kenneth J. Blum
Executive Director


Our Founders

Irving Schneider (1919 – 2012)

Irving Schneider was a man of vision and foresight, who fought to establish a children’s hospital long before the need and potential of such a pediatric center was recognized by the leadership of health officials in Israel. Irving Schneider’s contribution was not only a generous monetary gift, which remains one of the largest single donations ever received by the State of Israel from an individual to a public institution; but also, a contribution of ideas and values that guided the establishment of the hospital and its activity ever since.

Irving Schneider was born in Brooklyn, graduated from Boys High School and received his degree from the City College of New York in 1939. He served as Chairman and COO of Helmsley-Spear, Inc., where he worked for over 50 years. Brandeis University awarded him an honorary doctorate of humane letters in 1983. Irving Schneider was a philanthropist at heart, contributing to many causes dear to his heart throughout his life.

Irving Schneider passed away on Friday, November 23, 2012 at the age of 93.


Helen Schneider (1921-2001)

Helen Schneider’s fingerprint is felt throughout Schneider Children’s beautiful building to this day. Her spirit of giving and generosity continues to guide the hospital’s warm atmosphere. Helen displayed exceptional insight. In her quiet, yet dynamic style, she contributed a sense of aesthetics, impeccable taste and sensitivity towards children’s needs that are an integral part of the hospital.

Helen Schneider initiated and founded the volunteer association “Yeladim Shelanu” (Our Children), to benefit children’s welfare at Schneider Children’s and served as its President until her death. Helen was not only a devoted friend and a member of the family, but also Schneider Children’s mentor in many ways. She was highly respected and valued alongside her enormous caring and determination for quality and excellence – traits that epitomized her in every sense of the word.

Helen passed away in New York following a serious illness on December 8, 2001, at the age of 80.

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