American Friends of Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel

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A Bridge to Peace

American Friends of Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel epitomizes the underlying philosophy envisioned by its founders; Open to every child in Israel and the Middle East irrespective of religion, race or nationality, Schneider Children’s serves as a Bridge to Peace in the region.

Schneider Children’s endeavors are based upon our belief that children are our hope for the future, and are the essence, spirit and soul to bridge the gap between peoples.

30% of Schneider Children’s patients come from the Arab sectors of Israel or from neighboring countries in the Middle East. Schneider Children’s not only extends a welcome hand to Muslim children in need of medical care, in the realization of peace, co-existence and mutual respect, but also ensures them the best pediatric treatment available. The hospital team – physicians and staff alike, also represent the mosaic of Israeli society, as Jews and Arabs work side to side in partnership and harmony.

Schneider Children’s views peer interchange and advanced education as one of its top outreach priorities. By providing training to medical professionals both in Israel and abroad, Schneider Children’s advances improved care of children worldwide. This approach has even more importance when institutions and personnel emanate from Israel’s neighbor, the Palestinian Authority (PA). The greater the hospital’s impact is on humanitarian and personal levels, the greater are the hopes for improved cooperation and understanding on the national level.

Quality, open and ongoing communication and cooperation between Schneider Children’s and the PA engenders mutual trust between neighbors, improved professional capability for medical teams in the PA and better care for Palestinian children.

Over recent years, doctors from the PA have undergone advanced training in the fields of intensive care, urology and nephrology, generating close bonds between physicians across border that continue to this day.

Schneider Children’s policy combines multidisciplinary treatment alongside integrated supportive care programs, which are geared to the specific cultural and emotional needs of each family – Jewish or Arab. Schneider Children’s Arabic speaking professionals contribute to improved understanding and better communication, and advance equality in the areas of human and civil rights; there is no distinction in children’s wards based on nationality or language. Palestinian, Israeli Arab and Jewish children are hospitalized together, and families intermingle daily, as barriers collapse and they find support in each other in difficult situations.

A Message of Life and Hope

A Bridge to Peace

Schneider Children’s is a world of caring, sending a message of life and hope to all children. While modern medicine and technology may create the tools for continued progress, it is still the inspired human-being who provides the faith, spirit and skill to work miracles.

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